Google Calendar, Gmail, SaneBox, OH MY!

NOTE: We hope you enjoy this podcast! The free Video Training Download mentioned is no longer available as the bonus course “Organizing Your Email Inbox” is now a part of All Access. You can learn more and/or sign up here.

Today’s podcast is going to increase your productivity.  Once you implement what I share, you will get back HOURS and HOURS in every week of your life!

Sounds good, right?

I’ve wanted to share with you how I organize my Google Calendar and my Gmail for a couple of years. Specifically, I want to share with you how I manage to be SO efficient in everything I do with regards to calendar and email management…and how you can be, too!

But, I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to convey this to you. I thought about a podcast episode, a video series, or an online productivity course… then I came up with a plan which is kind of a mixture of all three.

In this week’s podcast episode, you’re going to get the audio tracks from a three-part video series that I created.

Google Calendar

I like to use Google Calendar and Gmail... they’re so universal and they have all the features that I want. They’re simple enough that you don’t need to use all the extra features to get the best out of them!

Using a Google Calendar effectively has increased my productivity in ways that I can’t even quantify.

Now that I have teenagers, Google Calendar has become a necessary part of our family. With integrated Google Calendars, the whole family is able to know what everyone is doing at the same time.

Gmail and SaneBox

I’ve done some really cool things with my Gmail that have increased my productivity! For example:

Multiple Inboxes – I’ve basically created a Sunday Basket in my Gmail! I have my regular inbox and then ‘slash folders’ underneath. SaneBox – I used to get my inbox to zero a few times a month, but now with Sanebox, I can get it to zero every single night! It is AMAZING!

So go and listen to this week’s podcast episode which is the audio version of my 3-part video series.

I know that if you implement what I teach you, you will increase your productivity and get hours back in your week!

If you would like to try out SaneBox... and I really recommend that you do... go to and you'll get $25 off as well as a two week free trial!

A special thank you to this week’s podcast sponsor, SaneBox!

View the complete post here: