Welcome to the  Organize 365 June Update post/podcast.

As I have transitioned to sharing more timely content in the Organize 365 Facebook Group and my weekly newsletter, I realized some of you who just listen to the podcasts or read blog posts were missing out.

The Organize 365 Monthly Update will be published on the blog and as a podcast the first Wednesday of each month. This will allow me to share with you what is new in the ETSY Shop, any new program offerings I have, updates on the book tour, and general monthly relevant seasonal organizing content.

So let's start with what you will likely want to organize THIS month.

June 2017 Organizing Focus

It's time to get your car ready for summer fun! Stock the pool bag and clean out your tailgate, or as I like to call it, your car closet. Take an hour or so to organize all your summer gear and re-buy anything broken or missing like new sunscreen!

Next, make one last mad dash at getting anything done on your list that needs to be completed before August. I always forget how much the summer sun zaps my mental clarity and energy! If it NEEDS to get done, do it soon!

And lastly, dream a bit and make a master list of everything you'd like to get done this summer on the house. I tape my list on the inside of a cabinet door in my kitchen. Then when we have a free day or weekend, I consult my list and pick a project.

In the podcast, I am sharing my summer parenting goals and why I do the majority of my house projects and parenting in the summer. :)

Also mentioned in this podcast are episode 130 Lisa's 3 Stages of Parenting and 134 Lisa's 3 New Years.