I’m REALLY excited to share this week’s podcast episode with you. It’s been a long time coming. In fact, a few months ago I promised to make a whole episode about my Sunday Basket™ Workshops when I got them all figured out. Well, guess what. I did!

This is the episode telling you everything that you need to know.

The Evolution of The Sunday Basket™

Anyone who knows me, and all fans of Organize 365, pretty much must know about my Sunday Basket™. It's something that I’ve mentioned, oh, perhaps maybe once or twice!

I truly believe that the Sunday Basket™ is a simple,yet revolutionary concept that can really help you run your house, stay on top of your to-dos, and keep track of your ideas.

It all started 15 years ago when I was trying to figure out my own way to stop drowning in the ever-growing piles of paperwork, bills, lists, and everything that landed on my kitchen counter!

My Sunday Basket™ concept has been the feature of many of my blog posts, podcast episodes, and a book.

This spring, I launched my Sunday Basket™ Virtual Workshops and I was blown away with their popularity!

Not only did their popularity blow me away, but something else really surprised me and that was WHY people were attending my virtual workshops. It wasn’t what I had thought! It wasn’t necessarily to learn what a Sunday Basket™ was, or how to use it, it was more for ACCOUNTABILITY.

People were attending because they knew that they’d get the job done… there and then… and feel a lot better for it!

This brought me back to 2012 when I ran paper organizing workshops in my home in Cincinnati, Ohio. Similar to the virtual workshops, people usually came to my in-home workshops for accountability and reassurance. Reassurance about their organizing habits and reassurance that it’s okay to get rid of things! In the podcast episode, I share with you a few funny stories about this!

The Birth of the Sunday Basket™ Workshop Licensing System

I had a light bulb moment. The virtual workshops have many merits and they work, but actually meeting and talking to people in person is much more impactful.  So I established the Sunday Basket™ Licensing System, whereby licensees could hold their own Sunday Basket™ Workshops around the country based on lessons and materials that I developed.

I’m excited to share that there are currently eleven Sunday Basket™ licensees around the country (actually 10 in the US and 1 in Canada)... and I’m looking for more!

Sunday Basket™ licensees hold 90 minute Sunday Basket™ Workshops just like the virtual workshops that I hold, but in the city that they live in and in whatever setting that suits them best... be it at their home, an office, a community center… wherever they see suitable.

If you want to join the Sunday Basket™ Licensee team, the next online training sessions will be held during August, 2017. Also included is an online portal of training videos, access to past training, a monthly newsletter with workshop themed ideas, a private Facebook group, and a listing for your business and all of your events on my site, thesundaybasket.com. Licensees are also able to earn a commission on Organize 365 products sold at their workshops.

To find out more about this, have a listen to this week’s podcast episode and also click here. Space is limited to 20 for the upcoming August session.

Another exciting development is that all of the Organize 365 products that I make going forward will be available as printables or editable PDF downloads – when you buy one you will be able to use both depending on whether you’re an old fashioned pen and paper person (like me!) or you prefer digital. In the podcast episode, I reference:

Editable Medical Organizer Editable Financial Organizer Editable Schedule C Small Business Tracker

I’m really excited about all of this! With your help, we can teach everyone to get their papers organized!

If you’re interested in attending a Sunday Basket™ Workshop near you, please head on over to thesundaybasket.com.

If you’re interested in becoming a licensee, then click here!