You’ve had it. You are ready to once and for all GET organized.

Set the intention to GET Organized.

Set aside time on your calendar – daily (15 minutes) and weekly 1-2 hours+ to reach your goals. 

Is your disorganization chronic or situational?

Situational disorganization arises from times of uncertainty or change, usually last a few months to a few years until you get your wheels back under you and have reoriented your organizational systems. 

Chronic disorganization stems from never learning good organizational strategies to begin with.

Which level of disorganization are you starting at?

Level 1 – Declutter - If every drawer is a junk drawer and you are drowning in stuff, your focus should be on donating, selling and discarding everything you don’t need. 

Level 2 – Organization - After you have cleared the clutter it is time to organize what you have left so that everything has a place to call home.

Level 3 – Increase Productivity - Getting organized does not end after your last item has a home, it is just the beginning. The longer you live in an organized house the more time you will have to move from organizing your home to organizing your time and life.

Pick a program to keep you on track and accountable. 

The 100 Day Home Organization Challenge is the perfect match for your American home. 

Increase the intensity

Hire a coach or get an accountability buddy. Listen to podcast #143 to see if Virtual Organizing Coaching calls would help you.