Previous Episode: Odd(ly) Enough

I had Amy on the show last season. Amy has a beautiful story where she lost over 100 pounds on Weight Watchers. I loved Amy since the moment I met her, but what happened after the interview was intriguing. She told me that she was moving away from Weight Watchers, and that she was learning a new way of eating that allowed her to live happy and free.

This entire season is on body and soul, so Amy is the perfect guest to have back on the show. She struggled for years with poor body image and binge eating disorder. Amy is now sharing her journey with others in hopes of offering hope that our darkest days make us stronger and that God always has a bigger plan. She shares her journey as it ebbs and flows with healthy living, motherhood and faith.

You can find Amy here:

Beautifully Broken Journey
Amy Reinecke on Facebook
Amy Reinecke on Instagram
[email protected]

Show Notes

[05:07] At the last show, Amy wished she could get pregnant again, and she is now 23 weeks along. She has two boys and is super excited about having a girl. [07:45] Amy started doing StepBet for accountability. She has been hosting them for about a year-and-a-half. [11:26] For Amy, a best case scenario on StepBet is that everyone makes their $40 back. [13:08] Amy lost over 100 pounds on Weight Watchers. [14:36] We shift and change and grow and learn. In the last 6 months Amy's learned a lot about her body. [14:59] Amy doesn't regret going on the Weight Watchers program. She has just learned more about her body. [16:35] The message that Amy wants her kids to know is to treat their bodies kindly and talk about their bodies kindly and feed it the way that it needs to be fed. [17:01] In 2008, Amy went to therapy for binge eating disorder. During this therapy she worked through the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating. [17:37] These principles are things like honor your hunger, feel your fullness, and reject the diet mentality. [17:55] These beliefs are so ingrained in Amy's head that it's a process she still has to work through everyday. [19:09] We have the innate ability to listen to our own fullness and hunger cues. [20:27] Amy started dieting in fourth grade. She looked for outside sources to tell her when and what to eat instead of looking inside to herself. [21:09] Amy is perfecting intuitive eating by listening to her body right now while she is pregnant. [23:37] Weight loss isn't the goal for intuitive eating. Although, it doesn't mean that you won't lose weight. [26:13] When you fix your head, you can then appreciate your body for what it is and what it can do. [28:56] People don't always like change, Amy switching her eating perspective has attracted push back from some people. [29:32] She was so focused on a number. She didn't even realize it until she stepped away from Weight Watchers. [31:05] She decided to break the chains and not allow anyone to tell her what is healthy for her body. [32:01] Women need to learn that there is a way to get to a place of body neutrality. [32:39] Her why is playing with her kids and getting through her pregnancy in a healthy way. [33:27] Putting focus on your body will feed your mind and your soul, because they are all interconnected. [35:55] Being hyper focused on your weight doesn't leave room for other things that will actually bring you joy and happiness. [37:41] Amy learned that she needed more sleep and more water. She also craves vegetables. [42:46] Going down the path of intuitive eating needs to be something that you are ready for. Amy wants people to see that their worth is more than just their weight. [45:17] Rapid questions about Amy...

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Links and Resources:

Podcast Web Page Facebook Page @MsMelissaRadke on Instagram @msmelissaradke on Twitter This Sucks But God Is Good (online course) Eat Cake. Be Brave. Eat Cake. Be Brave. Book Club Chronic Dieting:  What It Is + Why It’s A Problem Beautifully Broken Journey With Amy Reinecke StepBet Intuitive Eating, 2nd Edition: A Revolutionary Program That Works

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