In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Kipp Sorensen takes on the top questions from members of the Iron Council.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 


(1:25) When moving to a new town or city, where would you start looking for like-minded men besides the Iron Council?  What would attract you to join a men’s group in your area? (4:42) How do you harmonize the concept of ‘serving your spouse without feeling like a servant’ with the Christian man’s duty to be a ‘servant leader?’ (9:00) What methods have you found successful for recovery after intense physical training? (9:30) What experiences can you share with overcoming pride? (14:00) When starting your own brand or business, what is the biggest tuition payment you’ve made in the area of social media? (16:46) Is there value in directly intervening when a friend is experiencing relationship challenges with his spouse? (23:30) Can you share your current battle plan and do you typically share it with those outside of the Iron Council? (27:30) How do I know if I should spend less time on personal growth and fitness and more time working and increasing income for the family? (31:40) What are your top three pieces of advice for starting your own business? (37:40) What is the single most important issue at this moment in time? Why? (39:14) What does the Order of Man ‘War Eagle’ mean to you? (41:40) Does your wife train Brazilian jiu-jitsu? (46:40) What is your number one lesson to teach your boys? (52:00) How do you maintain order and cleanliness in your home? How do you teach this to your children?

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