Welcome to the latest issue of Orbiting Comics, the previews & reviews podcast made by the staff at your favourite comic-book store! In this issue, The Immortal Tom & Paul review The Immortal Hulk #1, Man of Steel #1 and…

Welcome to the latest issue of Orbiting Comics, the previews & reviews podcast made by the staff at your favourite comic-book store!

In this issue, The Immortal Tom & Paul review The Immortal Hulk #1, Man of Steel #1 and Giant Days #39. In addition to this, Paul & Liz talk to Peter Milligan about Kid Lobotomy then chat to Rob Williams at Portsmouth Comic-Con and Paul chats to Rebellion’s head of Publishing Ben Smith about Orbital’s Treasury Of British Comics Exhibition!

We want YOU to be part of the podcast, so don’t forget to write in with your thoughts and suggestions about the show to [email protected]. Also, take a look at other podcasts, Frame By Frame and In the Orbit of . And you can now find a selection of our latest podcasts on Soundcloud. You can also follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook or sign up for our newsletter right here!

Here’s a rundown of what’s happening on the show:

The letters page (with Paul & Tom)
Reviews Part 1 (with Tom & Paul)
Ben Smith & The Treasury of British Comics Interview (with Paul)
Peter Milligan Interview (with Liz & Paul)
Reviews Part 2 (with Paul & Tom)
Rob Williams Interview (with Liz and Paul)

Thanks for listening!


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