Welcome to this Frame by Frame Special on Memory: The Orgins of Alien. Memory is an incredible new documentary on the mythological underpininnings of Ridley Scott’s enthralling 1979 science-fiction masterpiece. It explores Alien’s antecedents and beginnings through the lens of…

Welcome to this Frame by Frame Special on Memory: The Orgins of Alien.

Memory is an incredible new documentary on the mythological underpininnings of Ridley Scott’s enthralling 1979 science-fiction masterpiece. It explores Alien’s antecedents and beginnings through the lens of the film’s creators, Ridley Scott, H.R. Geiger and especially Dan O’Bannon, it’s co-screenwriter.

In this phone interview, Paul chats to director Alexandre O. Philippe about his descision to make the documentary, his love of cinema and how he chose his unique take of one of cinema’s true classics.

The film is released on 30th August and you can find out more by following their twitter account on @MemoryAlienDoc. Visit our website, find links to previous episodes here and on iTunes, and follow us on FacebookTwitter & Instagram. If you enjoyed the show please subscribe, rate and review!

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