At times, we feel like the universe is only working when our experiences are good. 


But the truth is no matter how good or bad, it’s ALWAYS working.


It’s always creating whatever you ordered. Whatever you put your mind into. Wherever you lay down your energy.


Use this magnetism in your favor by being clear about your heart’s desires.


WATCH: What You Get is What You Ordered


Key points covered in this episode: 


✔️ Nothing is by accident. On the outside, my clients manifesting a car or new partnerships can look and feel like magic. But to tell you the truth, it isn’t! It’s simply the universe doing its work.


✔️The universe is always right. Your mind wanted pepperoni, but you picked cheese. So the pizza place brought you cheese – and then you lash out? Don’t blame the restaurant for what you did. The same principle applies when manifesting.


✔️Manifest from a clear zone. Are you in a state of openness and high vibrations? Or have you been stuck in the fed-up zone for a while? Manifesting from a place of agitation causes us to take less of what we really want.


✔️ Understand that you always get what you order. Did you know that you’re placing orders all the time – through your thoughts, your priorities, and your interests. The manifestation process never rests. Make the most of it!


✔️ Clearly know that your order is your true desire. If you know that what you’re asking for is truly what you want, take a breath and let the universe work with you.



The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for the intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. 


About Lia Dunlap:


Dubbed the Oracle on Purpose, Lia Dunlap's Intuitive Guidance and 25 years of successful operational business experience will help you find your Unique Life Purpose. Get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled again in the work you do. It's time to remember... You are here on purpose. You've got a mission to fulfill, and we are here to make sure, no matter what, you achieve it.


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