What does it mean to be a harbinger of hope?


Generally, it’s to embody love, delight, wonder, and joy – and express it to the world.


My definition of it is to live out my life purpose – the calling to help others realize and express their reason for living.

Yours may look different from mine, but YOU too can be an abundant wellspring of positivity in these troubling times.

WATCH: How to be a Harbinger of Hope in a World at War

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ Share your vibration. That natural exuberance to share your vibration is what we all need. It’s what the universe needs. Don’t hold back, and be a source of inspiration and light to the people around you.

✔️ Listen to the good experiences. I want you to join me in this energy of celebration. If you hear something that sticks and resonates with you, claim it!

Say it out loud, “That’s for me!”

✔️ Find your way. The pandemic, the nonstop cycle of bad news, natural calamities, and a war breaking out – the world is exhausted. Are you a part of the negativity or a source of hope amidst the chaos?

✔️ Take a moment to celebrate the good in the world. “Everything is going wrong. Life’s not worth striving for anymore.” If you just sit back, take a breather, and ground yourself, you’ll see that there’s still so much out there to be thankful for.

✔️ Create the ripple of energy and delight in the universe. I want everyone to feel the wonder of endless possibilities – the possibility that YOU will reach your heart’s desires and manifest them. Are you ready to receive it?

✔️ Whatever your version of celebration is, the world needs it from you. It doesn’t matter what it looks like. Show up in your distinct light. Let others feel your warmth so they can fill their cup and pass on this hope to others.


The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for the intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. 

About Lia Dunlap:

Dubbed the Oracle on Purpose, Lia Dunlap's Intuitive Guidance and 25 years of successful operational business experience will help you find your Unique Life Purpose. Get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled again in the work you do. It's time to remember... You are here on purpose. You've got a mission to fulfill, and we are here to make sure, no matter what, you achieve it.

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