“I’ve just made $120,000, and it came so easily. Did I deserve this?”

This is something a client of mine shared with me.

It’s funny how we work our hardest for our achievements yet it’s difficult for us to claim them as our own. It’s that insipid undertone of shame telling you, “Who are you to get what you want?”

Well, let me tell you that you are definitely ALL THAT. You deserve all the good in the world. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. 

Find out how you can let that shame go and get in the flow of radical abundance with ease!

WATCH: Time to Shake the Shame Game

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ Don’t feed the shame monster. When others bring you down for refusing to do what they want, shrug it off. You have the power of discernment. You possess the courage to say “no”. You have the right to honor your desires and dislikes. Let the monster starve, so you can be on your way to claiming the greatness that’s rightfully yours.

✔️  Here you are hitting all your goals! But what if the people around you aren’t celebrating with you? It’s simple: get a new support circle! True friends recognize our potential and root for our successes. They encourage us to go outside of our comfort zone and become greater.

✔️ Play in the field of ridiculous possibility. Whether it’s a career change or taking a shot at a potential relationship, if it makes you excited, speak it into the universe. You’re not bragging. And there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big.

✔️  I want to hear you shout this from the rooftops – “I did it!” There is no need to hide the amazing things that you’ve created for yourself. Talk about them with confidence and clarity. Once you get into this habit, you’ll start attracting more prosperity your way, beating the shame monster at its own game.

✔️ That pesky voice in your head is at it again. Slapping a cap on your internal excitement volcano as you’re about to erupt with joy for something you’ve done. Catch the shame before it latches on to you. And push it away as far as you can. Never let it kill your happiness because you deserve the best.




The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for the intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. 

About Lia Dunlap:

Dubbed the Oracle on Purpose, Lia Dunlap's Intuitive Guidance and 25 years of successful operational business experience will help you find your Unique Life Purpose. Get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled again in the work you do. It's time to remember... You are here on purpose. You've got a mission to fulfill, and we are here to make sure, no matter what, you achieve it.

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