Our ancestors perpetuated the idea that the hard ways are always the virtuous and valued way. We have created presupposed barriers in our minds thinking that we don't get what we want until we have to go through so much labor and stress. Let me tell you; you deserve to know that is the opposite of what is true. 

In this episode, we go deep on: 

✔️ The stories playing out throughout my life and my parents' lives are the perpetual ideas that the path to wealth is always the hard way, and what has always been prescribed as truth is that effort equals income. 

✔️The idea that chasing things and making them harder is this addictive thing that happens inside you. Inside we say, "But this can't be this easy!" As soon as we say that, we are unaware that we start to manifest the hard things in the real world that validates our decision that everything in life should be tough. 

✔️ It doesn't have to be hard unless you choose to let it be hard. The fact that we exist, we deserve to have the best of what life has to offer! Typically, we are resigned to accept that we cannot move forward without ease.  

✔️ When the easier ways or opportunities come, we doubt it. If people get to that level where they can quickly make their goals and dreams happen, we see them as an anomaly and aberration.

✔️ Know that you deserve the thing that you're shooting for -- whatever that goal is -- right NOW. Not in a year, not in a month. If you align yourself with who you are, what you want to do in the world, and how it can lead you to your own path to millions -- the journey need not be painstaking but one of ease and grace.


The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for the intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. 

About Lia Dunlap:

Dubbed the Oracle on Purpose, Lia Dunlap's Intuitive Guidance and 25 years of successful operational business experience will help you find your Unique Life Purpose. Get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled again in the work you do. It's time to remember... You are here on purpose. You've got a mission to fulfill, and we are here to make sure, no matter what, you achieve it.

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