What's the One Thing That Holds You Hostage When You Think About Your Big Vision?

The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. 

Have you ever felt like there's so much more you can accomplish in this world? Have you ever felt off track, like you have a purpose, but you're not honoring it? You're stuck inside a small container, but your expansive vision is pushing you to achieve something extraordinary. 

It's so easy to feel you don't measure up in so many ways. How do you get back on track? You don't need to struggle anymore because all it takes is to be willing to risk losing the old part of you that isn't working or limiting your life. Have the courage to step into the unknown and reach for what you want out of life. I guarantee you, without any doubt, it's worth it.  

This week's episode is about stepping into your power, being intentional about your goals, and developing the confidence that you need to create. 

Here are the key areas we covered in this episode: 

✅ How to stop being terribly narrow-minded and change for the better. Playing small doesn't serve the world. Remember, one of the most important characteristics that separate successful people from the unsuccessful is their way of thinking. Start thinking big and experience significant results!

✅ Every journey is not the same for everyone. As cliché as it may sound, you need to stop comparing and start appreciating your uniqueness. Reinvent your life by aligning with your personal values. Creation happens through us.

✅ Eliminate thoughts that don't honor your calling and learn to recognize how you respond when you are out of touch with your purpose. Tune in to what makes you happy. Make space for more of that in your life because you can never serve others from an empty cup. You have to fill your own cup first.

✅ Identify the biggest lies you've been feeding your mind. Notice how our mind is afraid of discomfort and change. Now is the time to receive strong guidance to grow beyond the socially acceptable realm.

Loved this episode? It's time to escape the monotony of shallow work without losing everything you've worked so hard for. Download your FREE Purpose and Prosperity Road Map. Discover the five essential steps to go from frustrated, annoyed, or not living your purpose to a successful purpose-driven leader. purposeandprosperityroadmap.com