The Oracle on Purpose podcast is for intuitive entrepreneurs or inspired leaders who want a powerhouse business that makes money while making a difference in the world. It's time to find your unique life purpose and get back on track with your business strategy to become fulfilled in your work. In this episode, we're going to talk about celebrations, mocktails, and the thief of joy.

They say comparison is the thief of joy. The moment you start comparing your progress with others who are not in the same season as you, everything shatters. You only end up feeling disheartened. We all have days where we lose track of our goals. I invite you to take some time to pause and reflect wherever you are in the world. What if celebrating someone else's success can fuel your inspiration to continue striving so that you can reach your brand of success?

Here are the key areas we covered in this episode: 

How comparison steals your joy and how to kick it out of your life. It's okay to go through life at your own pace. The positive side of comparison and how you can be proud of everyone else whatever their version of success is. When you celebrate the success of others, it's an opportunity to ask yourself, "Is this for me too?"  Transitioning to a "must celebrate my success" kind of mindset and always ready to receive more.  Changing "comparison is the thief of joy" to "let comparison be the fuel that inspires you to succeed more." 

This is an essential PRO guide from a business coach who has worked with thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide! I promise you will love this episode.

Loved this episode? It's time to escape the monotony of shallow work without losing everything you've worked so hard for. Download your FREE Purpose and Prosperity Road Map. Discover the five essential steps to go from frustrated, annoyed, or not living your purpose to a successful purpose-driven leader.