How Boring Breeds Success

"The connection between boring and success is that what is boring to you could be revolutionary to someone else." -Lia Dunlap (08:41-08:47)

Have you ever gotten bored with something you've done over and over again? And when someone asks you to do it again, you feel like you couldn't do it one more time. We can't deny that there's that one thing that we've done so often that it becomes by rote. Here’s the secret - boring builds success. And, I’ll tell you why in the 40th episode of the Oracle On Purpose podcast. 


We'll find answers to questions like, "Does your business need to follow a trend?" and "How can you make use of the boring stuff as an entrepreneur?"


Part One of 'How Boring Breeds Success.'


Have you ever gone to a concert and during the concert, even though the band is putting out a new album, there is always a large group in the crowd that wants the good old songs, the oldies but goodies? They're chanting for them, and they're cheering them on. But why?

The reason is, as humans, we like consistency. If you doubt that, imagine right now that we were to roll back the time and get back to November of 2019, where things were running by rote in our lives until they weren't anymore. Everyone was pining for the good old days. There is something about that consistency that, as human beings, we get comfortable with, and we like to have that—that's a security for us. 

"As humans, we like consistency." -Lia Dunlap (01:19-01:22)

Here's the trick in business, as entrepreneurs and especially as creators, we feel like we always have to create something new. There's an itch in us to build, create, and grow. So if that's you, don't feel bad and recognize that what helps create long term success for any business is the boring stuff. By boring, I mean the things that are tried and true. The things that you know, and you can share repeatedly. And, for you, it might seem boring.

I came upon this situation myself. I took a break from a program that I'd been running for years. I started in 1994, and I could show up and run that program in my sleep. I kept saying the same thing over and over again, and at one point, I felt like, "Oh, I need something new,” "I need a new challenge.” So, I had to let it go. 

I realized that even in the business, when I shifted and started working more with clients, those boring things I always said over and over again, I still needed to say it to them. That boring information was still getting people results because they were tried and true. 

Part Two of 'How Boring Breeds Success.'

Look around and think for yourself, “Is there something that you've got that to you seems like you could do naturally?” We are talking about that thing that you do that feels like old hat. You’ve done it before, and you can do it again with your eyes closed. The reason that the information is being called from you is that it works.

The trap is when we always need something different, new, or innovative, and we lose sight of the core of what we have to offer. And that moment when you start to understand that what those parts of your work are that might seem boring to you are revolutionary to other people. 

I am working on some projects with a client. She got to a point where she was saying, "Other people already said the things I'm saying. So who's going to listen to me?" 

I told her, " People need to hear it from you. There is a certain vibration, a certain language you and only you speak that shares that message in your unique way. Those that need to hear it from you can hear it. And even though the information may be boring to you, because you know it by heart, it doesn't mean that someone new coming to it won't be able to see and achieve results based on that new knowledge.

It's interesting to me because I, too, have fallen prey to that. I thought that I had to recreate all these things. What's beautiful about it is I've come home, back to understanding the beauty of the core of the message, those core tenants I teach. They've stood the test of time. I continue to share them, and there are still people who haven't put them together in that same way yet. And when they do, I'm 110% confident that they will get results. 

"If your knowledge is getting client’s results, it's solid.” -Lia Dunlap (07:44-07:56)

What's boring to you is something of value to someone else. Now, this isn't to say that you can't spice things up. It's that you don't have to recreate it. If it's genuinely a core function or pillar of your business and it's something that always works, you should continue to do it. It's going to get that desired result.

How you deliver it can be in how you engage with the people that you're working with. But the tenants, the core fundamentals of what you are sharing, they get to stay the same. Rather than seeing the boring stuff as a detriment to your business, consider it as foundational pieces that keep your business strong. You can always count on them to get results. 

I want to encourage you not to chase down the new and shiny things. Look at what you have to offer your clients and put them at the forefront. In the end, no matter what you do, whether you're a coach, a real estate agent, a business leader or, an entrepreneur who's got a startup, no matter what, you're a genius. 

Next Steps: 

Discover the five essential steps to go from frustrated, annoyed, or not living your purpose to a successful purpose-driven leader.