Magnify Your Purpose! How to Stay Visible in Troubled Times

“If you promise to offer authenticity, you better deliver.” -Lia Dunlap (04:09-04:12)

Visibility is not something that everybody is called to do, but as a society, that's how we connect and learn from each other. We all have a story to tell! As you build your visibility, especially during this pandemic, many people can benefit from your story. Let's discuss how you can magnify your purpose and stay visible during troubled times with my guest Jill Lublin.

Part One of ‘Magnify Your Purpose! How to Stay Visible in Troubled Times’

With 200+ speaking engagements each year, master publicity strategist and consultant, and bestselling author, Jill Lublin, consistently wows audiences worldwide with her entertaining and interactive keynotes, seminars, and training programs on publicity, networking, and influence marketing.

Jill has shared her powerful networking and publicity strategies on the stages of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, and many others. Additionally, thousands of people have attended her famous "Crash Course in Publicity," which she teaches live several times a month at locations around the U.S. and Canada.


Over the past 25 years, Jill has worked with ABC, NBC, CBS, and other national and international media outlets as highly regarded publicity experts. She has been featured in The New York Times, Women's Day, Fortune Small Business, Entrepreneur, and Inc. magazines.

“Keep putting yourselves out there in small ways until attraction marketing happens. Make people want to work with you.” – Jill Lublin (09:34-10:20)

Jill is the author of four bestselling books, including Get Noticed… Get Referrals (McGraw-Hill), Networking Magic (Morgan James), and Guerrilla Publicity (Adams Media), which is regarded as the "PR Bible," and her latest book The Profit of Kindness (Career Press), which went #1 in four categories. With four international bestselling books, Jill is acknowledged as the go-to person for building success through influence marketing, networking, and publicity. She helps authors to create book deals with agents and publishers and well as obtain foreign rights deals.

In addition to her speaking engagements, Jill trains and consults with executives, sales teams, and marketing departments in Fortune 500 companies and small-to-medium-sized companies. Her innovative influence, marketing, and publicity techniques consistently increase bottom-line results for her clients.

Part Two of ‘Magnify Your Purpose! How to Stay Visible in Troubled Times’

I usually ask my guest this question, "How do you find alignment with your purpose and business genius in the work that you're doing today?" 

Jill responds that she was a shy person back then, which doesn't seem congruent with who she is now. Now, she calls herself a messenger of messengers because she has a natural ability to see her clients as people who have a valuable message to share whatever their businesses are. And that's where her gift as a great connector helps other people find their message so that publicity can be more natural for them. Thus, they can get the things that every business owner desires, such as prospects, profits, recognition, and credibility.

The next question is, how can you stay visible in troubled times? Jill says, it’s all about being aware of what's going on right now and see where you can fit in. It doesn't matter what industry you're in, whether you're an author, speaker, consultant, coach, chiropractor, or real estate agent, being a trusted source is the #1 thing you should focus on to attract new customers. 

Jill recommends following reporters who write about your message. This tactic works! Don’t just go follow them and say, “pick me!” You engage with them and provide the right solutions to become the trusted source.

“You need to start living an intentional life.” - Lia Dunlap (10:57)

Another tactic for visibility is to publish a book. It positions yourself well, too. Lisa has helped people get major book deals with major publishers for over 18 years, including several who have six-figure book deals, which is almost unheard of in today's market. Those are the people who had enormous publicity and influence, but they still sought help to make their goals happen. Jill's perspective is, "Nothing good is done without a team." You need people around you to make things happen. 

Make sure that you take everything that Jill says, so you can get clear, get your message out, and share your purpose with the world.


Are you someone who wants to write your book someday? Here's some advice from Jill, "Start planting your seeds now. Start creating that visibility factor!"

This information will help you to take the next step in implementing a successful PR strategy. 

Visit call 415-883-5455 for more information.

How to Connect More with Jill Lublin






Email: [email protected]

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