How Daily Acts of Presence Lead to Fulfilling Your Purpose with Diane Forster

We all have moments in our lives that can be considered “defining moments” that changed our life trajectory. In this week’s episode, we’re going to talk about how the daily acts of presence lead to fulfilling your purpose, together with my special guest, Diane Forster. 

Part One of ‘How Daily Acts of Presence Lead to Fulfilling Your Purpose with Diane Forster’

Diane Forster is an Award-Winning Inventor, Best Selling Author, TEDx Speaker, TV Host, Podcaster, Intentional Living Expert and Re-Invention Specialist. She helps you clear away negative mindset blocks and limiting beliefs that hinder your success and happiness. Diane is the Founder of I HAVE TODAY. She is also the author of “I HAVE TODAY: Find Your Passion, Purpose, and Smile... Finally!” 

Her TV Show along with her Podcast is called, “I HAVE TODAY with Diane Forster” and all her other products/programs help people live enriched, empowered, inspiring lives through their transitions, to reinvent themselves. 

Diane’s career began in Advertising and TV sales, including DISNEY/ABC. She is also the inventor of the INNOVATION AWARD-WINNING product “The SPIFTER” a fun kitchen tool. Diane has been featured on ABC, QVC, The Chicago Tribune, San Diego Voyager, Business News Daily, and many other TV, Radio, and Podcast shows.

“Live and follow your purpose so that you can have a life of significance.” - Lia Dunlap (22:24-22:33)

Diane has mastered the art of being intentional. In the past, she felt unhappy and unfulfilled every day. She didn't love and value herself. But she learned so many things along the way about purpose and intention. During her spiritual awakening, she woke up one day with a poem in her head. It is called I HAVE TODAY.

It's about realizing that we all have today to start fresh and new. We have today to see things with new eyes. We have today to be gentle and kind. We have today to nurture our spirit, mind and body. We have today to pray and meditate. We have today to be more beautiful than yesterday. She was able to overcome the unhappiness that she felt for such a long time and declared that she wanted an extraordinary life. 

Her mantra every day is "I have today to love my life. Something good is going to happen to me today. I can feel it." It's like giving an order to the universe to surprise her with miracles no matter how big or small they may be. Where you are right now is a gift. You're exactly where you're supposed to be.

Part Two of ‘How Daily Acts of Presence Lead to Fulfilling Your Purpose with Diane Forster’

Diane tells a powerful story about when she tried to attempt suicide. During her suicide attempt, she had the pills in her hand ready to end her life because she chose to hide all the pain, the fulfillment, and unhappiness, and it came to the point where everything was too much for her to handle. 

She suddenly heard a voice, "You are not ending your life this way, Diane. You need to go get help so that you can tell your story and you can help others." So, that was an emotional experience or defining moment that made her realize that she's supposed to help other women who don't know their self-worth, discover their true divinity, power, and purpose. 

“Your story is unique and not worthy of comparison.” - Lia Dunlap (22:49-23:01)

She utilizes multimedia platforms as a way to help people who are suffering from feelings of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts to provide them the resources and tools for self-empowerment. 

Here's her crystal-clear definition of success which we can all learn something from: “The definition of success is happiness. If you're living a true authentic representation of yourself and you're really clear about what you want and why you want it, your purpose will drop in your lap. It'll be right in front of you and you'll get up every day excited about the day in front of you. And even on the days when it's no more challenging than others, it will still drive you. It will still excite you. It will still move you forward.”

How to Connect More with Diane Forster

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