How to Step into Your Greatness with Award-Winning Media Expert Debbi Dachinger

“Everybody has a story to tell.” -Lia Dunlap (10:47-10:56)

Have you discovered your life's unique purpose? How do you align it with your genius and how do you make what you're creating, something that's impactful on the world? In this week's episode, my special guest, Debbi Dachinger and I are going to talk about how you can step into your greatness.

Part One of ‘How to Step into Your Greatness with Award-Winning Media Expert Debbi Dachinger’

Debbi Dachinger is a Media Personality and Media Visibility expert who has been interviewed on over 1,000 media outlets. She is a syndicated, award-winning podcast host, nominated for two People's Choice Podcast Awards, interviews celebrities on the red carpet, a keynote speaker, a certified coach, and the author of three international bestselling books.

“Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life.” - Lia Dunlap (06:17-06:24)

As a Media Visibility Authority, Debbi coaches people on how to write a page-turner book, runs a company that guarantees your book becomes an international bestseller and teaches the Ultimate Visibility Formula - How to be Interviewed on Radio & Podcast shows in 60 Days or Less. Now in its 12th year, Debbi hosts the syndicated DARE TO DREAM podcast and works with clients on their visibility strategy, so they use free PR to become known as a go-to expert. 

Part Two of ‘How to Step into Your Greatness with Award-Winning Media Expert Debbi Dachinger’

More people are buying and consuming books right now. So, why not be a writer? Make this time count. Everybody has a story that someone else would be inspired by. It’s a matter of putting that pen to paper and getting to writing. 


“What is your big vision for the work that you do in the world?” - Lia Dunlap (16:18-16:22)


There are many different types of books you can write. Depending on the type of book you want to write, you would structure the book differently. Debbi teaches you how to write it, put together the entire book for the authors, have a graphic design cover made, have the book professionally edited, have the authors interviewed, AND run the book to guaranteed international bestseller status.

Next Steps:

If you're ready to be a contributor and write your own chapter in a book, Debbi is looking for authors to write a chapter about a dog in her new anthology compilation book. The anthology book will compile 25 chapters of writer's tales about dogs, the ultimate book for dog lovers. It's daring, dramatic, dastardly, dreamy, demonstrating, descriptive, detailed, and more.

Applications are being accepted NOW and the book will close once 25 authors are aboard. 

Click here to get involved.

Or, get her FREE book How to Discover the Message You’re Meant to Share with the World. Download it at: 

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