How to Find Your Passion and Inner Awesomeness

“The World Is Waiting For You To Show Up On Purpose.” -Lia Dunlap (23:06-23:13)

Many people don’t realize the beauty and magnitude influence they could have in the world by simply embracing who they are and what they were born to do. In this episode, Lia Dunlap talks about developing, understanding and expressing your passion and inner awesomeness. 

Every person in this world has a pure, rare and vivid gem inside of them. You are unique on purpose. What you bring to the world is valuable because people are waiting for it. When we give ourselves permission to share our uniqueness, we can use it as a motivation to act towards our goals, desires, and dreams. 

Part One of ‘How to Find Your Passion and Inner Awesomeness’

If you’re someone who knows the value of what you can offer and completely passionate about what you’re doing, you will sense that strong connection no matter who you speak with. Your passion shines so bright that it can cause other people to listen and agree with whatever you’re trying to convince them about. 

The combination of talents, skills, and gifts you have all contribute to what you’re meant to deliver. You may be able to share them but there is no one who is identical to you. You could be someone who’s skilled in the painting whose artworks serve as a therapy to others. You could be someone that has all the natural qualities a customer service representative requires. You could be someone the company needs to increase its marketing revenue. You could be the right motivational speaker someone needs to step out of their comfort zone. You could be someone who loves to cook with your family but it’s not that you like to cook, it’s the community of being together and making a meal that you like, and the long list just goes on. You must realize that your uniqueness can create a positive contribution to our society. As you embrace it, you will see your personal progress slow unfolding page by page.

“There’s a risk to not developing, understanding or expressing your passion and your uniqueness.” – Lia Dunlap. (00:42-00:48)

Some of the things that could happen are you won’t be able to connect with people in an authentic way. You come off as either aloof or arrogant or put up walls between you and other people that just don’t need to be there. You might also feel self-conscious and lonely, and that’s really a serious thing. Many people are exposed to media, yet they still feel disconnected. If you don’t do something about it, you may be spending your entire life hiding the one thing that the universe created when it created you. On the other hand, if you know yourself well, you’ll be like a flower who won’t compete with the flower next to you, instead, you just bloom. 

You’ve probably met a lot of people who always felt misunderstood, out of place and alone because they work so hard trying to constantly fit in which always lead to unmet expectations. The truth is, we all have that passion that makes us feel so alive inside and choose to do more than anything else in this world. That passion is the key to take you to the direction you’re meant to go. Lia Dunlap also speaks about assessing our uniqueness with careful thought.

You must take time to reflect, “Is this something I feel that I enjoy and I’m good at or is this something I’ve just been told?”

Consider making a list of all the things that you are currently responsible for, basically the things that you’re doing on a regular basis. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s something that you have to get paid for now. It’s like looking at your average week in a helicopter view. It could help you identify what are the things that you are always eager to find time doing even during your busy schedule. 

Part Two of ‘How to Find Your Passion and Inner Awesomeness’

Now you’re gonna look at the list you’ve created and look for patterns. Look for the places where suddenly a pattern starts to appear. It could flashback a lot of your childhood memories where, for example, you remember yourself being jubilant when you’re picking flowers and gardening, and it may be while you’re gardening, you realize that little version you always loved nature. Brainstorm all the things you did as a child that really lights you up.

“Let that part of you have a voice and have a presence in your life.” – Lia Dunlap (22:37-22:41)

Whatever you’re passionate about, share it with the people you care about. Take it with you wherever you go. Whether or not you turn it into a job, it doesn’t really matter if you’re bringing it back into your life and just speaking to it and sharing it. 

Lia Dunlap can help empower you to discover your true path to success and freedom. 

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