Jim Grisanzio from Oracle Developer Relations talks with Gabriele Provinciali, an engineer and solutions architect at Oracle in Rome, about smart and safe city models built with Lego Bricks, Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, and a variety of IoT edge sensors all connected to the Oracle Cloud. Twitter ThreadVideo on YouTube.

Oracle News Connect Article

Little towns, big ideas: How scale models can imagine smarter and safer cities

Gabriele Provinciali, Solution Architect, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure


ProximaSafe: Joining the Dots in OCI to build a Stream Analysis Lab

Part 1: Setting up the event-driven OCI components Part 2: From Edge to Serverless Part 3: Sensors, Pipelines and back to Edge YouTube Video: Oracle Proxima City

Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Developer Relations

https://twitter.com/jimgris https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimgris/ https://developer.oracle.com/team/ https://oraclegroundbreakers.libsyn.com/

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