Given the vast uncertainty in the job market over the last year, it can feel near impossible to both structure your time so you actually feel productive and also manage your finances so you have the confidence you’ll weather this storm.

That’s why the Optimizer team & I have put together this Top 5 series the Creative’s Guide to Time & Financial Freedom. We have chosen my most relevant conversations with some of the world’s experts on both time & financial management to help you gain a little more control in a world that feels very out of control. These episodes are packed with actionable tips from brilliant minds who understand the unique challenges faced by freelancers and creatives, both inside and outside, of the entertainment industry.

If you haven’t already, make sure to visit to download your very own customized podcast playlist based on your goals.

Without further adieu, here is episode one of my five-part interview series with Ramit Sethi, founder of I Will Teach You to Be Rich, and author of the New York Times bestseller of the same name. In this conversation, Ramit, who is also my business mentor, delivers a slew of actionable steps you can take to design a richer life for yourself far beyond the spreadsheet.

The original show notes for this conversation can be found at