It’s astonishing that less than 5% of adults are moving 30 minutes or more a day1, so much so that it’s been said “Sitting is the new smoking.” Although, I’ve argued for years that it’s not so much sitting that’s the problem…it’s being SEDENTARY that is the new smoking (whether you are sitting or standing). Clearly working from home amidst a global pandemic hasn’t made this any less true.

Being sedentary is one of the root causes of chronic aches and pains. If you are listening to (or reading) this while sitting, you likely have experienced a sore back or stiff neck from too much computer time. Maybe you have tight shoulders and tension headaches. You probably have resigned yourself to just “dealing with it” because you don’t have time or money for long workout routines or expensive equipment. It’s just the price of “getting old,” right? Well it doesn’t have to be.

Today’s guest is Dr. Sadie Sanders, a doctor of chiropractic and a biomechanical guru, and she has a wealth of simple solutions for your chronic pains (that don’t require a visit to a doctor’s office). Dr. Sanders is called the “Body Whisperer” by many of her patients and for good reason – she has a knack for knowing just what the body needs to bring it back into balance, and she focuses on root causes, not just treating symptoms.

In today’s 2-part in-depth conversation we talk about Dr. Sanders’ extensive knowledge of biomechanics as well as physiology and how it’s all interconnected. But more importantly, we dive into how to eliminate your chronic pains right at your desk or in your living room using very simple stretches and exercises inside the “Move Yourself Activity Video Vault” (part of my Working From Home Survival Guide which I have made available to you for free).

If you’re ready to eliminate your aches and pains and looking for simple solutions that you can do in just a few minutes a day…right at your desk…this episode is for you.

[Disclaimer: This episode is pulled from two in-depth interviews from the Fitness In Post archives that we stitched into a single marathon episode. Also since recording, Dr. Sanders has since moved out of the Los Angeles area, but her Health and Human Performance clinic is still thriving in Woodland Hills with a new head doctor, Dr. Cobey who is my go-to for all my biomechanical needs. And yes, they are still fully functional during the pandemic.]

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Here’s What You’ll Learn:What is the goal of a chiropractor and how do they evaluate you and your joints?How being sedentary for long periods of time affects your spinal structure.The specific muscles that get tight from sitting and how it changes the posture of the spineWhat is a trigger point referral pattern and how can it help you understand your tension headaches?What happens when you hear that cracking/popping sound (and why can’t you do it yourself?)Why you may experience emotional reactions to chiropractic adjustments.The main areas of chronic pain for people who sit all dayDr. Sanders incredible psychological assessment of me based solely on my muscle tension.The difference between a chiropractor and physical therapist.Why moving a sore and stiff body can actually alleviate pain. Finding the real source of a problem rather than treating symptoms (something editors can relate to)The solution to all your nagging aches and pains in only 2-3 minutes a day.Complete breakdown of the Optimize Yourself Activity Vault.Why categorizing your pain will help you resolve it rather than just temporarily alleviate it.The common cause of most back and muscle pain and how to address it properly.The simple solution to most injury or pain is to decrease the stress and increase the strength Ninety-five percent of human activity is habitual. Make movement a habit!
Useful Resources Mentioned:

The Move Yourself Activity Video Vault (Free inside the WFH Survival Guide)

HHP Chiro Website

Continue to Listen & Learn:

Autonomous SmartDesk Review – My #1 Standing Desk Recommendation

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Healthy Workstation (And Being Less Sedentary)…All For the Price of a Single Desk Chair

Ep123: The Solution to Your Sedentary Lifestyle | with Ben Greenfield

Ep30: How Regular Movement Makes You Smarter | with Dr. John Ratey

Ep23: How Being Sedentary Is Damaging You (According to NASA) | with Dr. Joan Vernikos

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Guest Bio:

Dr. Sanders, former founder and CEO of Health & Human Performance in Woodland Hills, CA, is a chiropractic physician specializing in the musculoskeletal system and its influence on the neurology and physiology of the human body. She works with athletes, recently injured patients, and the average stressed-out American – varying her technique to suit all ages from newborn to 80+!

Show Credits:

This episode was edited by Curtis Fritsch, and the show notes were prepared by Debby Germino and published by Glen McNiel.

The original music in the opening and closing of the show is courtesy of Joe Trapanese (who is quite possibly one of the most talented composers on the face of the planet).