With health (and more importantly maintaining strong immune systems) at the forefront of everyone’s minds these days, we’re all looking for simple ways to boost our immunity and increase our energy levels. Whether you are unemployed, working from home or back at the office, or just trying to juggle home-schooling the kids while maintaining your own sanity, the thought of implementing healthier nutrition and fitness habits is daunting at best (and horrifying at worst). Luckily today’s guest is here to simplify the process for all of us no matter where you need the most support.

Darin Olien, a.k.a., “The Superfood Hunter,” is the co-star of the hit Netflix docu-series Down to Earth alongside Zac Efron. Darin has traveled the globe for decades studying food and nutrition and has uncovered some of the healthiest superfoods known to man. He is also a supplements formulator, the creator of Shakeology (which many of you know is my go-to meal when I’m short on time but unwilling to sacrifice on nutrition), and he’s the author of the New York Times bestseller “SuperLife: The five fixes that will keep you healthy, fit and eternally awesome.” And he’s also responsible for discovering my favorite brain food snack, Barukas. This nut is like a supercharged peanut with less fat and calories…it’s what I often refer to as my “Brainstorming nut” as every time I need something crunchy to get my brain going in the afternoons, this is my go-to. And they sure beat a bowl of M&M’s.

If you’re looking to learn about what simple yet profound steps you can take to either get started with your wellness journey or take it to a completely differently level, Darin is a wealth of knowledge on nutrition and health and graciously provides an abundance of advice and tips on how we can stay active, be creative, and keep our bodies fueled with the best food possible.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:The story of what Darin does and how he got coined as “The Superfood Hunter.”How he turned injury into opportunity in college, and how that set him on his path to health and nutrition.Why Darin is passionate about what he does and why it matters for your health.What a “fatal convenience” is and why it is killing us.Darin’s list of foundational practices that anyone who works a sedentary job can do to improve their health and creativity.The profound connection between the thoughts and beliefs in your mind and the physical health of your body.MORNING ROUTINES: What Darin does first thing in the morning to set himself up for a healthy and energetic day.The surprising culprit that is sapping your energy (and the simple solution to fix it).The fascinating details of how water works in the body and how it produces energy for your brain and creativity.The number one habit to implement for increasing energy and better health.What toxins your refrigerator water filter is leaving in your water.Budget friendly and effective water filtration recommendations.Simple advice for good nutrition that doesn’t require following any diet plan.The superfood that Zack calls his brain food snack and how eating it is not only good for your health but supports sustainable practices for the environment and indigenous people.
Useful Resources Mentioned:




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Darin Olien on Twitter

Continue to Listen & Learn

Ep10: Fueling Your Brain For Optimal Creativity | with Mark Sisson

Ep84: How to Use ‘Intuitive Eating’ To Change Your Relationship With Food | with Melissa Costello

Ep09: Everything You Need to Know About Food Shopping, Nutrition, and More | with Mira and Jayson Calton

Ep98: P90X Creator Tony Horton on Covid-19, Staying Healthy During Quarantine, Boosting Immunity, & More

Ep06: Defining Your Purpose and Living Large | with Tony Horton

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Guest Bio:


Darin Olien is a widely recognized exotic superfoods hunter, supplement formulator, author of the book, “SuperLife: The five fixes that will keep you healthy, fit and eternally awesome,” a TV host on an upcoming Netflix docu-series on health and environment. He has travelled the planet discovering new and underutilized exotic foods and medicinal plants.

Darin worked with fitness-company Beachbody to formulate one of the top super food shakes in the USA a whole-food supplement called, “Shakeology”, as well as the plant based, “Ultimate Reset 21-day” detoxification program.

Darin is one of the founders of Barukas™, new super nut from the Savannah “Cerrado” of Brazil. Through sustainable business practices the company is committed to supporting this important biome by planting 20million Baruzeita trees. (Barukas.com)

Launching in April of 2020 Darin will launch an health App called Tribed created to help people learn about health, follow programs for an optimal life and health.

An advisor to P5 Energy a cutting edge “green” technology incubator with a primary focus on zero- pollution power systems.

Partner in GREENPATH, dedicated to real solutions for a new world with cutting edge nano technology for hand and surface sanitation.

Darin is also the Director of Strategic Alliances and the Global Health Ambassador for APPICS, a revolutionary new social media platform monetizing passion and content through cryptocurrency and block chain. (APPICS.com)

Darin holds a Bachelor of Arts in Exercise Physiology/Nutrition and a Masters in Psychology.

Show Credits:

This episode was edited by Curtis Fritsch, and the show notes were prepared by Debby Germino and published by Glen McNiel.

The original music in the opening and closing of the show is courtesy of Joe Trapanese (who is quite possibly one of the most talented composers on the face of the planet).

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