Prioritizing sleep is absolutely essential if you want to consistently generate creative thoughts and stay focused (and no...caffeine and Red Bull are not adequate replacements). But what options do you have if you work insane hours and getting the right amount of sleep isn't always an option? The next step is finding way to improve the quality of your sleep. If you missed episode number 7 with Shawn Stevenson I highly recommending giving that a listen first because it contains loads of information about why sleep is so important to your mental and physical health and it’s great for beginners who don’t know much about the basic science of sleep. It also has a lot of great suggestions to get started improving your sleep quality and quantity without a ton of effort or investment. In this episode I have an in-depth conversation with one of my favorite health resources on the planet, biohacker and fitness expert Ben Greenfield where we dive way deeper into the sleep rabbit hole and discuss advanced sleep hacks, wearables, and other crazy tech to take your sleep and your cognitive abilities to the next level. Some of the stuff he talks about in this episode blew my mind, so if you feel like you already have basic sleep hygiene under control, give some of these next-level options a try.

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Here's What You'll Learn:The problem with wearing your sleep deprivation badge of honorWhat does a healthy sleep cycle look like?Neurological, hormonal, and psychological benefits to healthy sleepIs it possible that you just need less sleep than everyone else?The relationship between sleep an weight gainHow light and temperature can alter your hormonal levelsWhy when you sleep is as important as how long you sleepBen's guide to creating your own sleep optimizing light setupLearn how to track and manage your sleepUseful Resources Mentioned:

Ep123: The Solution to Your Sedentary Lifestyle | with Ben Greenfield

The Power of When

Human Charger

Iris Tech

Awake and Alert Bulbs

Melatonin Supplements

Nature CBD

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)

OURA Tracker

Re-Timer Glasses

Gunnar Blue-Light Filtering Glasses

Ruby Lux Red Bulb

Kratom Supplements

Sleepy Baby Sleep-Enhancing LED Nursery Lamp

Our Generous Sponsors:

This episode is made possible by Ergodriven, the makers of the Topo Mat, my #1 recommendation for anyone interested in moving more at their height-adjustable workstation. Listen, standing desks are only great if you’re standing well, otherwise you’re constantly fighting fatigue and chronic pain. Not like any other anti-fatigue mat, the Topo is scientifically proven to help you move more throughout the day which helps reduce discomfort and also increase your focus and productivity. And they’re really fun and a great conversation starter.

Guest Bio:


Author of the New York Times Bestseller “Beyond Training“, Ben Greenfield’s balanced approach to fitness, nutrition and health comes from his extensive experience in the fitness and wellness industry as one of the country’s leading personal trainers and wellness consultants. In 2008, Ben was nominated by the NSCA as America’s top personal trainer, and in 2013 and 2014, Ben was voted as one of the top 100 most influential individuals in health and fitness. A frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and a highly sought after speaker, Ben’s understanding of functional exercise, nutrition, and the delicate balance between performance and health has helped thousands of people around the world achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

Show Credits:

This episode was edited by Curtis Fritsch, and the show notes were prepared and published by Jakin Rintelman. Special thanks to Krystle Penhall and Sarah Furie for helping to spread the love! The original music in the opening and closing of the show is courtesy of Joe Trapanese (who is quite possibly one of the most talented composers on the face of the planet).

Note: I believe in 100% transparency, so please note that I receive a small commission if you purchase products from some of the links on this page (at no additional cost to you). Your support is what helps keep this program alive. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


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