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Here are 5 of my favorite Big Ideas from The Courage Quotient by Robert Biswas-Diener. Hope you enjoy!

Robert Biswas-Diener is known as the “Indiana Jones of positive psychology.” As per his bio, “his research has taken him to such far-flung places as Greenland, India, Kenya and Israel.” And, important note: “He is afraid of quicksand and snakes.” :) Robert is also the son of one of the leading positive psychology researchers: Ed Diener. We covered a book they wrote together called Happiness. This is basically the ONLY book on science of courage. It's fantastic. Big Ideas we explore include defining the numerator and denominator of our Courage Quotient (hint: Increase your "willingness to act" and "ability to control fear"), courage's two flavors (general + personal), courage blindness (and how to heal it), the power of playing our roles well (choose a courageous one!), being willing to fail and playing to win.

Get The Courage Quotient on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Courage-Quotient-Science-Make-Braver/dp/0470917423

Learn more about Robert Biswas-Diener: https://www.optimize.me/authors/robert-biswas-diener/

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- +1: Aristotle’s Virtuous Mean | Versus the Vices of Excess + Deficiency (#247) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/aristotles-virtuous-mean/
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- David Goggins → https://www.optimize.me/authors/david-goggins/
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- #1: How do you start your day? Here’s how I start mine. (Breakfast of Champions + Oura 1-2-3+!) (#5) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLO3HrC6-hU

Big Idea 3: ROLES
- How to Act Boldly | Choose Courageous Roles (#1134) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/how-to-act-boldly/
- PNTV: How to Think Like a Roman Emperor → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHObPl342XU
- Ellen Langer → https://www.optimize.me/authors/ellen-langer/
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- PN: The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman → https://www.optimize.me/philosophers-notes/the-alter-ego-effect-todd-herman/

- +1: Be Willing to Fail | Edison, Churchill and YOU! (#1135) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/be-willing-to-fail/
- +1: Creating Your Life Documentary | Note: It’s All an Important Part of the Process (#1136) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/creating-your-life-documentary/
- +1: Mistakes? They’re Just Mis-takes | You As the Director of Your Life (#59) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/mistakes-theyre-just-mis-takes/
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Big Idea 5: PLAY TO WIN
- +1: Playing to Win | vs. Playing Not to Lose (#1138) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/playing-to-win/
- +1: The Psychology of Hope | Goals + Willpower + Waypower (#325) → https://www.optimize.me/plus-one/the-psychology-of-hope/

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