Dr. Shelese Pratt is a Naturopathic physician and an expert in neurology and complex medical conditions relating to metabolic disease. She uses functional medicine and her expertise in biochemistry (methylation) and physiology to help her patients get to the root cause of their symptoms through a strategic approach including nutrition (diet and nutritional supplements), botanicals, environmental medicine, classical homeopathy, and hydrotherapy.

She’s best known for her breakthrough results with complex cases like Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Cerebral Palsy, PVL, Global Development Delay, Angelman Syndrome, learning difficulties (ADD, ADHD, and dyslexia), sensory processing disorders, autistic spectrum disorders, digestive system disorders/disease, endocrine disorders, autoimmune disease, and mood disorders.

Here are some of the nuggets you’re in for:

Why autism rates keep rising Common symptoms of autism Why there is always hope no matter what you’ve tried What her success rates are (this will make you smile!) Common nutrient deficiencies associated with autism Why minerals matter and where you can get them Why supplements can sometimes be harmful What oxidative stress is and why it matters Why EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) are dangerous and how to avoid them The food sensitivities most commonly seen in autism Her favorite supplements for autistic children The supplement that can increase your picky eater’s palette Why bone broth isn’t always good for autistic children How to get your children to eat more veggies And so much more!