Advocare, Isagenix, Plexus, Itworks, Thrive, Herbalife...Avoid them ALL! 

I am constantly being asking about different multi level marketing supplement companies. 

You've probably heard the routine..."my friend swears by X, or my neighbor says I can work from home and make so much money selling Y."

Personally, I think they are all an equal load of shit. They all use the exact same marketing ploys, all make inflated promises full of puffery. All massively overpriced extremely low to mediocre quality products. 

Listen to this podcast and get the tools you need to avoid getting caught in the trap

Trust me...never take advice from a person whose nutrition knowledge is based on $79 spent to become a distributor! 

Welcome to the Dr Czys podcast where we talk about how to maximize the Quality of Life for ourselves and our families via nutrition, exercise and gratitude. Hosted by Dr Steve Czys.

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