"You're a Quack" is a comment I'll get when a dummy can't argue my content. It's about the same intelligence level as grade school name calling. 

In this podcast I talk about how the medical model made me sicker and pushed me into "fake" doctoring. 

Welcome to the Dr Czys podcast where we talk how to maximize the health of ourselves and our families via nutrition, exercise and gratitude. Hosted by Dr Steve Czys

Welcome to the Dr Czys podcast where we talk about how to maximize the Quality of Life for ourselves and our families via nutrition, exercise and gratitude. Hosted by Dr Steve Czys.

If you'd like to get Dr Czys' book for free and get access to a bunch of free recipes, optimal nutrition guides, and more head over to www.drczys.com

If you'd like to get Dr Czys book for free and/or get access to a bunch of free optimal nutrition guides head over to www.drczys.com