This week, we roll out to create attractions that transform (or transition) from one type of ride to another! First up, Jim sends his guests into the metaphorical attic of JimCity to experience a tour of some long-term carnival ride storage. Then, Scottye invites his patrons to take the blue line tour of Party Town, or the yellow line tour of the Tower Of Power. Maybe bring your brown and/or yellow pants for that one.
Also, lambos, trucks, and hey, not so free real estate!
See you in two weeks as we break for the holidaze...

This week, we roll out to create attractions that transform (or transition) from one type of ride to another! First up, Jim sends his guests into the metaphorical attic of JimCity to experience a tour of some long-term carnival ride storage. Then, Scottye invites his patrons to take the blue line tour of Party Town, or the yellow line tour of the Tower Of Power. Maybe bring your brown and/or yellow pants for that one.

Also, lambos, trucks, and hey, not so free real estate!

See you in two weeks as we break for the holidaze...

Support Opposite Attractions: A Theme Park Design Show