OPEX CEO Jim Crowell and COO Carl Hardwick share insight into the growth of OPEX Gyms, the magic of the personalized fitness model, and business strategies to keep top of mind in 2019.

Websites and Social Media Links:

Website – OPEXfit.com

Website – OPEXgyms.comWebsite – TheBigdawgs.com

Facebook – OPEX FitnessTwitter - @OPEXFitnessInstagram - opexfitnessYouTube – OPEX Fitness

Books mentioned:


The Power of Habit

Jim’s Book Recommendations

Pitch Anything

Day of Empire: How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance--and Why They Fall

Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are

Carl’s Book Recommendations

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure

Resources and People mentioned:OPEX CCP – Level 1

Big Dawgs

Mixed ModalJames Fitzgerald

Paul McIlroyKandace Hudspeth

Mike Boyle

Poliquin Institute

Charlie Sheen


Time-Line:0:00 – 5:14 – Robbie intro’s the show and asks Jim and Carl to share with the listeners OPEX’s model

5:15 – 10:13 - Robbie ask Jim and about the growth and continued expansion of OPEX licensed gyms 10:14 – 18:23 - Robbie asks the guys about the recent launch of OPEXgyms.com

18:24 – 24:40 - The guys talk about the brand new OPEX membership website, CCP1 platform, Mixed Model and the brand-new Gyms Accelerator Digital course24:41 – 33:58 - The guys discuss the requirement of all OPEX gym owners to complete CCP1 and why this is essential to the OPEX model

33:59 – 42:50 - Robbie asks the guys why they feel so confident in the OPEX model?

42:51 – 43:55 - Robbie asks the guys where people can find out any information, they need want to know about everything OPEX has to offer – OPEXfit.com43:56 – 47:57 - Robbie asks the guys about what they are currently reading47:58 – 48:48 - Robbie wraps up the show!

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