Mike Cazayoux has topped the podium, alongside his team, taking home two CrossFit Games Championships. Now, as Co-Founder of Brute Strength, Cazayoux shares the system of training that built his team and helps construct Brute Strength athletes.


Mike Cazayoux has topped the podium, alongside his team, taking home two CrossFit Games Championships. Now, as Co-Founder of Brute Strength, Cazayoux shares the system of training that built his team and helps construct Brute Strength athletes.


Show Notes:Websites and Social Media Links:

Website – brutestrengthtraining.com

Website – workingagainstgravity.com

Facebook – Brute StrengthFacebook – Working Against Gravity

Twitter - @brutestrength_Instagram – brute.strength

Instagram - workingagainstgravity

YouTube – Brute Strength

YouTube - Working Against Gravity

Books Mentioned:

Mikes Book Recommendations

Daring Greatly

The Way of the Superior ManSeeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger, 3rd Edition 

Musashi - Audiobook

Books Mentioned by RobbieOne ThingEssentialism

Articles Mentioned:

Joint by Joint Approach


Podcast Mentioned:Renegade Radio: Steroids to Psychedelics: A Journey to Self Love with World Record Holder, AJ Roberts – Episode 225

Muscle Expert Podcast: 34 - Christian Thibaudeau Overcoming Depression, Mastering Insulin Sensitivity & Neurotransmitter Balance Through

Brute Strength Podcast: Episode 162 - Sex, Connection and Desire ft. Adee Cazayoux


People and Resources mentioned:

Tommy HackenbruckMatt Bruce

Ido PortalLSU Football CJ MartinTino MariniZach Even-EshBarbell ShruggedA J RobertsChristian ThibaudeauMike Boyle

Charles PoliquinT-Nation Gray Cook

Stu McMillan

Adee Cazayoux

James Fitzgerald Seth GodinJoe RoganScott HarrisonBenjamin Franklin


Time-Line:0:00 – 4:53 – Robbie intro’s the show and asks Mike to share with us his training philosophy?4:54 – 10:05 - Robbie asks Mike to share with us his training system?

10:06 – 13:31 - Robbie asks Mike how has he found the transition from coach to business owner?13:32 – 19:11- Robbie and Mike discuss how it is important to embrace change in values and priorities throughout life19:12 – 25:57 - Robbie asks Mike for his business advice to all the business owners out there25:58 – 29:54 - Robbie asks Mike how Brute Strength came to be?29:55 – 33:50 - Robbie asks Mike would he ever consider doing motivational speaking?

33:51 – 42:46 - Robbie asks Mike where is the line between exercise being beneficial vs detrimental to one’s life and well-being?

42:47 – 45:14 - Robbie asks Mike for the biggest lessons he has learned in his life and career?45:15 – 47:58 - Robbie asks Mike how does his learn?47:59 – 50:18 - Robbie asks Mike what is one that he does everyday that his essential to his day?50:19 – 51:18 - Robbie asks Mike for his top life resources

51:49 – 52:27 - Robbie asks Mike what is his currently reading

52:28 – 54:08 - Robbie asks Mike if he only had one left on planet earth, how would he spend that year and why?

54:09 – 56:18 - Robbie asks Mike, if he could in 5 people to dinner, dead or alive, who would he invite and why?

56:19 – 56:41- Robbie wraps up the show!

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