Realistic Goal Setting with James FitzGerald

James FitzGerald has nearly two decades of fitness under his belt. From being an athlete to transitioning to a coach, James understands how important goals are to progress, and the issues caused by setting unrealistic goals. Hear how you can help clients create meaningful milestones along their fitness journey — in this episode of the OPEX Podcast: Fitness Explained.


The guy that paints the picture, James is the founder of OPEX (Formerly OPT) and The International Center for Fitness. When not coaching, he’s a full time husband, father and fitness athlete. His 20+ years of experience and service as a strength coach/technician, tireless practice on refining energy system work, nutritional and lifestyle balancing techniques and training of other coaches has made OPEX a sought after method of bringing fitness to a Higher Order.

James has found a desire and passion to understanding fitness through assessment, testing, research, programming and more. He has had many years experience as an athlete from early childhood into adulthood, from playing top level soccer, short and long distance running to CrossFit where he was crowned “The Fittest on Earth”, Winner of the 2007 CrossFit Games.

Websites and Social Media Links:

Website –

Facebook – OPEX FitnessTwitter - @OPEXFitnessInstagram - opexfitnessYouTube – OPEX Fitness

Books mentioned:


Being Mortal

Podcasts mentioned:

The Doc & Jock Podcast: E138 | JAMES FITZGERALD OF OPEX

Documentary mentioned:

The Wounded Tiger - Richmond 2017 AFL Premiership Documentary

The Journey Season 1The Journey Season 2

Resources and People mentioned:OPEX CCP – Level 1

Mixed Modal Online Course

Functional Fitness Federation Michele Letendre



0:00 – 13:38 – Robbie intros the show and asks James what’s new?

13:39 – 18:23 - Robbie asks James about his thoughts on how to overcome group-think?

18:24 – 36:01 - Robbie asks James about the importance of setting realistic expectations with our clients and athletes

36:02 – 41:01 - Robbie and James discuss detached caring with clients

41:02 – 44:07 - Robbie and James discuss burn-out from over-caring

44:08 – 58:15 - Robbie and James discuss how priorities, values, and goals are every changing processes, and how this can impact coaching burn-out

58:16 – 1:02:05 - Robbie asks James about the Functional Fitness Federation World Championships in London that were held in early October 2018

1:02:06 – 1:02:20 - Robbie wraps up the show!

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