The leader in personalized fitness and found of OPEX Fitness, James FitzGerald, discusses how fitness coaches can train the three primary energy systems -- on this episode of The OPEX Podcast: Fitness Explained.


The guy that paints the picture, James is the founder of OPEX (Formerly OPT) and The International Center for Fitness. When not coaching, he’s a full time husband, father and fitness athlete. His 20+ years of experience and service as a strength coach/technician, tireless practice on refining energy system work, nutritional and lifestyle balancing techniques and training of other coaches has made OPEX a sought after method of bringing fitness to a Higher Order.

James has found a desire and passion to understanding fitness through assessment, testing, research, programming and more. He has had many years experience as an athlete from early childhood into adulthood, from playing top level soccer, short and long distance running to CrossFit where he was crowned “The Fittest on Earth”, Winner of the 2007 CrossFit Games.Websites and Social Media Links:

Website – Facebook – OPEX FitnessTwitter - @OPEXFitnessInstagram - opexfitnessYouTube – OPEX Fitness


Books mentioned:

James Book Recommendations:

Sports Illustrated The Economist


Books mentioned by Robbie:The Science of Winning

Resources and People mentioned:OPEX CCP – Level 1

OPEX Energy System eBook – Free downloadDan Pfaff


Podcasts mentioned:

Mind Muscle Project – Episode 8 - James 'OPT' Fitzgerald, Programming Truths, CrossFit's Evolution, Athletic Fulfilment & Nutrition for AthletesMind Muscle Project – Episode 102 - What you can learn about 17 years of program design with James OPT Fitzgerald

Mind Muscle Project - Episode 194 - The unbreakable 5 minute morning routine with Max Shank


0:00 – 4:52 – Robbie Intros and asks James about his fascination with energy system development

4:53 – 13:08 - Robbie asks James to give an overview of how OPEX breaks down and teaches the three energy systems 13:09 – 17:40 - Robbie asks James – What means and methods are best to developed the energy systems, starting with the alactic system (OPEX Gain)

17:41 – 20:29 - James continues to discuss the means and methods to develop the lactic system (OPEX Pain)

20:30 – 21:16 - James continues to discuss the means and methods to develop the aerobic system (OPEX Sustain)21:17 – 25:05 - Robbie asks James – Does a more robust development of the aerobic system allow individuals to be able to express higher level alactic and lactic outputs, as recovery ability will be superior in those with a more robust aerobic system?25:06 – 26:22 - Robbie shares with James – Dan Pfaff’s concept of work specific capacity

26:23 – 27:34 - James continue to discuss the need for aerobic development27:35 – 30:35 - Robbie asks James – what are the best means/ exercise modes to develop the alactic system30:36 – 37:58 - Robbie asks James – What is mixed modal training, and why would we want to do it?37:59 – 42:33 - What asks James – What are the pre-requisites that an individual needs before engaging in mixed modal training?

42:34 – 46:20 - Robbie asks James about the program design of a mixed modal aerobic piece46:21 – 50:10 - Robbie ask James – Does he feel it is easier to develop aerobic qualities with a very strong athlete vs developing strength qualities with an athlete who has a high aerobic development?

50:11 – 52:50 - Robbie and James discuss concurrent training and the current research around it 52:51 – 55:02 - Robbie asks James – Does he recall any previous mixed modal exercise prescriptions that on reflection were poor in their design?55:03 – 1:06:10 - Robbie asks James about his recommended resources for learning more about energy system development and program design 1:06:11 – 1:07:03 - Robbie asks James – what is he currently reading?1:07:04 – 1:07:27 - Robbie wraps up the show!

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