So i type here right....well its been a while!

after writing my latest blog which you can find here at, i wrote about my time podcasting and a big chunk of that was for both Operation Retroshock and Masters of the Universe Chronicles.  i was surprised at the amount of people who said "you need to bring it back" or about the interviews that were lost when the Chronicles feed closed down.

Well fear no more. After negotiations (they werent aggressive negotiations like in Star Wars) my gracious co-host of Operation Retroshock Mr Allan Price granted me access to post them here.  im eternially thankful to Allan for that! yeah you see how i spelt that?

Anyway enough nonsense - this interview was first published on 3rd July 2010 - yeah its 7 years old! that is so scary and i hope that you all find this as informative now as you did then.  So grab your Art of He-Man and the masters of the universe and have a look at some wonderful art while listiening to Mr Roger Sweet talk about his involvement in Masters of the Universe!