Seth Markzon is a licensed practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and host of the Finding Xtraordinary podcast. Seth was a naturally curious guy who was always looking to learn as much valuable information as possible, so naturally launching his own podcast to get connected directly to industry experts, thought leaders, etc. was his next step! Tune in to learn how podcasting has completely transformed Seth's perspective on the human potential, personal and professional growth, and how it has helped his communication skills.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

What can happen beyond your original plans through the power of relation ship building through podcasting How Seth started one show then realized he needed to pivot and rebrand entirely  How to go from search engine results to conversations with leading experts  Streamlining your podcasting workflow  Why not letting imperfections keep you from taking action is so important  And so much more!


Our courses on how to launch, grow, and monetize your podcast! 

Level 101 by Operation Podcast Level 201 by Operation Podcast


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