If more makes you better, you should just be able to rinse and repeat - right?

Turns out maybe not so much. Sometimes more does lead to improvements, and that's especially true in the beginning. And us humans just love the seductive illusion of linear progression, but as you get further into things, often more isn't better. Sometimes, it's even worse.

So in this episode of the podcast I'm talking about how to get your focus on what you can do to improve when more isn't working, more isn't practical or doesn't fit in with your lifestyle, or maybe you are just going to have better results with doing something else instead.

Capacity is just one tool in your tool box. Maybe the workload isn't the issue - maybe under-recovery is. Or maybe you've been favouriting a particular type of training.

This is all about your experiment of one: you.

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You can support Operation Move and the podcast on Patreon. I am so grateful for your support! In this week's bonus episode, I'm talking about where to start with your nutrition - some basic building blocks to get you started and focusing on the things that will have the most impact for you. 

Would you like your question answered?

As promised on the podcast, you can book in a skype call here Or you can email me here.

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