Have you ever wondered why you work really hard in your running, but you just don't quite improve?

Maybe you think that you are missing something, or maybe you start thinking that you are just slow. Chances are there are a whole bunch of things that aren't quite happening, and that's the reason why you start to feel stuck. Before we get into this, it's great to keep in mind that improving is really fun and a great way to keep motivated but it's not really why most people run. When you start to feel stuck the first question it's great to ask yourself is: if I was never going to improve, would I still be doing this? And the answer is YES. You would. Because you love it. But seeing as it seems an absolute shame to put all of your hard work and passion and love into something and not improve, this week I'm talking about 5 ways which you might be short-changing yourself in your 5km training. 

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