Are you ready to start a new decade of running? ME TOO.

This time of year is a great time of year to start thinking about what you want achieve next year, and how you plan on getting there. 

I talk about 5 things that can help to super-charge your year and the self sabotage that might be holding you back

I talk about:

Re-setting the thought patterns that stop you from moving forward
Having your come to Jesus moment on the unglamorous work of being resilient
How to talk to yourself without being an asshole
Creating an attitude of curiousity, enthusiasm and joy
How to recover, so you can do it all again, but better

Coming Up . . .

Do you want 2020 to be the year you learn to run, our program starts on the 6th January and you can register here

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You can support Operation Move and the podcast on Patreon. I am so grateful for your support! This week, the bonus episode is a deep dive into a recovery routine!

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