Welcome back Folks of the Interwebs...Double J here...I will be your pilot and navigator for this shenanigan infused journey into the mind of this particular Garbage Can Dood.

Got a real dandy of a Pode on deck for yall...it's a VERY! GCD type conversation with a dood from Liverpool, England...home of the Beatles, Tripe sandwiches, & Giants?

Darren Williams (@DazAltTheory on Twitter) is an astute researcher of all sortsa subjects...we get into a variety of topics today...including the current "fake news" universe...we also discuss "Mounds" (one of my favorite topics!), and the schtuff located inside these "Mounds"...spoiler alert: Giant human skeletons!

Also, Darren shares with us a public safety announcement relative to one of today's topics...human trafficking...particularly speak'n, child sex trafficking...

Anyhow, folks of the interwebs, enjoy this conversation!...thanks again for join'n me today to get a lil GCD...

Welcome back Folks of the Interwebs...Double J here...I will be your pilot and navigator for this shenanigan infused journey into the mind of this particular Garbage Can Dood.

Got a real dandy of a Pode on deck for yall...it's a VERY! GCD type conversation with a dood from Liverpool, England...home of the Beatles, Tripe sandwiches, & Giants?

Darren Williams (@DazAltTheory on Twitter) is an astute researcher of all sortsa subjects...we get into a variety of topics today...including the current "fake news" universe...we also discuss "Mounds" (one of my favorite topics!), and the schtuff located inside these "Mounds"...spoiler alert: Giant human skeletons!

Also, Darren shares with us a public safety announcement relative to one of today's topics...human trafficking...particularly speak'n, child sex trafficking...

Anyhow, Folks of the Interwebs, enjoy this conversation!...thanks again for join'n me today to get a lil GCD...