People are an agency’s best resource. The right people on your team will help your agency scale and become more profitable, but the wrong people will cost you a lot. I have learned my lesson over the years and would like to share how we moved past hiring difficulties and now have a great team of people comprising DUDE. 

In this week’s episode, I address a topic that I can talk hours and hours about. I share the top five reasons why agencies are finding it so hard to hire the right people, and of course, tips on how to do it right. All of the things I discuss here are things I’ve experienced myself and learned from. 

If you are dead serious about getting the right people to work with you, this is an episode that you ought to listen to now!

Discussion Points:

0:00 Introduction 
2:47 Hiring is hard! 
4:54 Labor code in California 
5:45 1st reason: Finding people who are not in your timezone 
9:01 2nd reason: You don’t have a good hiring process  
9:42 When hiring people, don’t replicate yourself 
10:51 DUDE’s hiring process in a nutshell 
13:46 3rd reason: You are hiring based on technical skills 
14:53 The psychometric exam 
15:24 4th reason: You don’t know your budget 
18:47 5th reason: You’re hiring a button pusher 
19:19 Problem solvers are who you need 
20:30 Aim to no longer be the bottleneck 
20:53 Real-life examples of the benefits of having problem solvers 

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