This episode features an interview with Ben Lorica, Co-founder and Principal of Gradient Flow, a company that provides a wide range of content on data and technology. Ben is an industry expert on data, machine learning, and AI. He is a Technical Advisor for Databricks, a program chair for several data conferences, and he hosts The Data Exchange Podcast.

In this episode, Sam and Ben discuss Big Data and the improvements and future opportunities of AI and machine learning.


“The reason I use the word decentralize is because when you try to explain it to someone, let's say you want to train a different model for each user, or region, or sensor, or device. So you can't use necessarily just personalized because recommenders can be personalized, but they're still centralized models.” – Ben Lorica


Episode Timestamps:

(01:17): What open source data means to Ben

(05:54): What intrigued Ben about Big Data

(12:07): What brought Ben to working on Ray

(16:15): Ben’s opinion on how far AI and ML have come in the last 5 years

(26:38): What Ben sees happening in this space in the next 5 years

(39:06): What challenges Ben sees in the next 5 years 

(43:51): One question Ben’s always wanted to be asked

(44:55): Ben’s advice for those starting their open source data adventure

(46:34): Executive producer, Audra Montenegro's backstage takeaways



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