The National Research Data Infrastructure for Germany - NFDI for short - has been under construction since 2018. Its goal is as simple as it is complex: to systematically open up the valuable data resources of science and research for the entire German science system, to network them, and thus to make them more usable. This would create a sustainable and flexible digital knowledge repository for all research areas, which in turn can be an indispensable prerequisite for new research questions, findings and innovations. In order to gain an insight into the development of the NFDI, its organs and their tasks, but above all to get an overview of the consortia that have been set up in 3 rounds, we have invited the man who probably knows the most about it at the moment: Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter, the current director of the NFDI.

And York did not disappoint.

The National Research Data Infrastructure for Germany – NFDI for short – has been under construction since 2018. Its goal is as simple as it is complex: to systematically open up the valuable data resources of science and research for the entire German science system, to network them, and thus to make them more usable. This would create a sustainable and flexible digital knowledge repository for all research areas, which in turn can be an indispensable prerequisite for new research questions, findings and innovations. In order to gain an insight into the development of the NFDI, its organs and their tasks, but above all to get an overview of the consortia that have been set up in 3 rounds, we have invited the man who probably knows the most about it at the moment: Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter, the current director of the NFDI.

And York did not disappoint.

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Matthias Fromm







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Konrad Förstner






York Sure-Vetter





Shownotes: OSR206 NFDI - National Research Data Infrastructure Germany [EN]

Start & Introduction York Sure-Vetter 00:00:00

National Research Data Infrastructure Germany (NFDI); — York Sure-Vetter; — Director of NFDI; — Computer Science; — Applied Informatics; — Knowledge Representation; — Ontologies; — Semantic Technologies; — Semantic Web; — Tim Berners-Lee; — SAP; — GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; — Social Sciences; — Data Archiving; — Long-term preservation of data; — DOI; — Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT;.

NFDI in 30 Seconds 00:09:02

NFDI and how it came to be 00:10:01

FAIR Principles; — Data Stewardship; — RFII (Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures; — Publication "German Council for Scientific Information Infrastruktures: Enhancing Research Data Management: Performance through Diversity. Recommendations regarding structures, processes, and financing for research data management in Germany"; — #oneNFDI; — Research Data Alliance (RDA); — European Open Science Cloud EOSC; — Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); — eduroam;.

Current State of NFDI 00:30:44

Selection Process for Consortia; — NFDI consortia; — NFDI Consortia Assembly; — Base4NFDI; — eduGAIN; — Identity Management on a National Level for Authentication in the NFDI infrastructure; — NFDI Governance Structure; — NFDI Members Assembly of the Association; — NFDI Board of Trustees; — NFDI Scientific Senate; (Joint Science Conference (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz – GWK);)  — Alliance of Science Organisations; — NFDI Sections; — Funding; — German Research Foundation (DFG);.

Consortia - First Round (since October 2020) 00:52:28

DataPLANT: Plant research data; — GHGA: German Human Genome–Phenome Archive; — GHGA Podcast "Der Code des Lebens" (German); — KonsortSWD: Consortium for the Social, Educational, Behavioural and Economic Sciences; — NFDI4Biodiversity: Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental Data; — NFDI4Cat: NFDI for sciences related to catalysis; — NFDI4Chem: Chemistry consortium for the NFDI; — Electronic Lab Notebook; — NDFI4CHEM Electronic Lab Notebooks; — NFDI4Culture: Consortium for Research Data on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage; — NFDI4Health: NFDI personal health data; — NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19; — ZB Med; — Juliane Fluck; — NFDI4Ing: NFDI for Engineering Sciences; (NFDI4Ing - the National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences (Excerpt from the Funding Proposal on Zenodo);)  — Open Data vs Fair Data;.

Consortia - Second Round (since July 2021) 01:24:12

BERD@NFDI: NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data; — Section Industry Engagement; — DAPHNE4NFDI: Data from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI; — FAIRmat: FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids; — MaRDI: Mathematical Research Data Initiative; — MaRDI: Mathematical Research Data Initiative Proposal on Zenodo; — NFDI4DataScience: NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence; — NFDI4Earth: NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences; — NFDI4Microbiota: NFDI for Microbiota Research; — NFDI-MatWerk: National Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science and Materials Engineering; — NFDI-MatWerk Infrastructure Use Cases; — PUNCH4NFDI: Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI; — Text+: Language and text-based research data infrastructure;.

Consortia - Third Round (starting March 2023) 01:54:27

FAIRagro: FAIR Data Infrastructure for Agrosystems; — NFDI4BIOIMAGE: National research data infrastructure for microscopy and bioimage analysis; — NFDI4Energy: National Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy System Research; — NFDI4Immuno: National Research Data Infrastructure for Immunology; — NFDI4Memory: The Consortium for the Historically Oriented Humanities; — NFDI4Objects: Research Data Infrastructure for the Material Remains of Human History; — NFDIxCS: National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science;.

oneNFDI - Challenges and Opportunities 02:01:42

Base4NFDI; — #oneNFDI;.

Epilogue 02:09:41

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