Next Episode: Be The Flow

Affirmations Delivered Effectively is a powerful tool to manifest, heal and direct your life. If you are feeling down, stuck, ummotivated or frusterated, immediately, directly and effectively change your state with affirmations. When we use our mind, body and soul to direct our thoughts, we CREATE ENERGY. Say the words and the universe will follow. Get out of your comfort zone and get in the drivers seat. So many of my clients tell me daily how these affirmations have changed their lives. Do them in the mirror, on the road, in the shower etc. This is a fun tool to put in your box.

Start with 3-5 mins a day, 5 days a week and notice any changes.
How to know you are doing this correctly?: Say it until you feel it in your heartspace. There is no wrong way to do this, just more effective ways then others.

Any feedback it appreciated.

Be well my friends