Advent.   A time to turn our attention toward preparing our hearts and homes to celebrate Jesus’ birth… prepare Him room so to speak. Today’s episode highlights some Old Testament threads, promises, and prophecies of the Rescuer who came down to the Israelites in Egypt just as our Rescuer came down in the form of the baby in a manger. How amazing it truly is. God Himself would come. God came down to rescue.   Yes, the gift of that baby in the manger on Christmas morning is absolutely amazing but even more amazing is the mystery of our Savior’s presence forever with us, wherever we go, through the Holy Spirit. God With Us wasn’t one event on Christmas Day or one lifetime lived in the 33 years that Jesus walked the earth. God With Us is most definitely now AND forevermore too. He was and still is our Emmanuel, our Wonderful Counselor, our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace.   This season unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Jesus is Emmanuel… God With Us; God come down to us; God come down to you; God with you (and me). Amazing… just amazing to take it all in, am I right? Beautiful.   Be sure to listen in for all this and so much more my OOBTers!   For the full episode show notes, please go to