Previous Episode: Genesis 6 - 8
Next Episode: Job 1

Did you know that the word for rainbow in the promise God made to Noah actually refers to a bow in some other Bible translations? As in a warrior’s bow. God hung up His bow in the sky and promised to never again destroy the earth by flood. Pretty interesting perspective, right?!

Or did you know that the events happening after Noah’s family leave the ark clear up until the incident between Noah and his sons in the vineyard are said to be a second creation? A new command to be fruitful and multiply, another garden, once again naked and ashamed.

God is remaking His creation, but unlike before, where He blesses Adam and Eve who knew no sin, here we see God bless Noah’s family even in their sin. Isn’t that the best news friends? When we are sinful, He is merciful. God will never give up on His creation. He will never give up on us.

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