Wrestling.   This one word seems to sum up almost everything happening in today’s OOBT episode. Wrestling between Jacob and Laban as Jacob leaves to return to Canaan. Literal wrestling between God and Jacob. (Yes… this really happens!!) Jacob wrestling with his identity and is then given a new name by God. The end of the wrestling between two brothers after 20 years.   Oh, friends, maybe you, too, are in a season of wrestling right now… Maybe you, too, need to hear how God worked all the wrestling and chaos out in someone else’s life. If so, then today’s episode is definitely for you! Annndddd, even if you are not in a season of wrestling right now, as always, there is still plenty to be discovered on the pages of God’s Word for all of us today!   PLUS, be sure to listen in as we also see the further development of God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Same God. Promises made. Promises kept. Faithful back then. Faithful to us now. Oh OOBTers, don’t miss out on this one for sure!   For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/genesis-31-33/