In today’s episode of OOBT, we pick up with more conversation between God and Moses at that burning bush. Truthfully, the verses covered in Exodus 4 were the literal mic drop moment in the creation of this podcast (and yep… the mic pun was definitely intended there! LOL!).   These words are now forever etched in M’s mind as confirmation that God has called her to serve as a Bible Study Podcast Host for His glory and the good of others. Really though friends… when God says who made a human’s mouth? How does one even begin to argue with that?   All of this is a very tender realization as we are now 45 episodes into the podcast God so lovingly placed on M’s heart in the pages of her then study in the book of Exodus. She had been working through many things since January of that year BUT this study M started in April 2021 was the clincher to the eventual launch of the Open Our Bibles Together with MFahring podcast in early November of 2021. Amazing. Just amazing.     We also dive into the truth that Moses’ doubt and questioning would not stop God from fulfilling His promises to His people. The same God who spoke to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was now speaking to the Israelites through Moses, AND He’s now speaking of those promises in the past tense. As in, these were a done deal already in God’s eyes. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew God as a Promise Maker, but Moses experiences Yahweh as the one who fulfills promises. Promise Keeper. ALWAYS.   All this and so much more… please don’t miss out on any of it friends! For the full episode show notes, please go to