FIGHT.   This one word seems to accurately sum up today’s episode of OOBT. So. Much. Fighting.   Pharaoh and his army came for the Israelites. The Israelites fought against Moses about bringing them out into the wilderness to die. God fought for the Israelites when their backs were to the Red Sea. A fight for freedom. A million voices singing praises to Yahweh their warrior and rescuer only for them to end our readings for today fighting against God and Moses by complaining of thirst in the desert.   However, even with all this fighting going on today, let’s not overlook the most important takeaway of all OOBTers… God alone fought for them + rescued them, AND more than 1,200 years after this Red Sea miracle, God fought again for His children… this time on a hill called Calvary. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made a way for each one of us to experience salvation.   Like the Israelites at the Red Sea crossing, we did absolutely nothing to help in the fight. Our salvation, just as the Israelites’, was and is a gift from God. End of story friends.   Oh, that we would choose to quiet our souls before our Father God and realize that He still fights for us, His children. We may not see it in the moment, but God can make a way… ”The LORD will fight for you, and you only have to be silent” (Exodus 14:14 ESV). Now that’s a GOOD FIGHT worth fighting, am I right?!   For the full episode show notes, please go to

FIGHT.   This one word seems to accurately sum up today’s episode of OOBT. So. Much. Fighting.   Pharaoh and his army came for the Israelites. The Israelites fought against Moses about bringing them out into the wilderness to die. God fought for the Israelites when their backs were to the Red Sea. A fight for freedom. A million voices singing praises to Yahweh their warrior and rescuer only for them to end our readings for today fighting against God and Moses by complaining of thirst in the desert.   However, even with all this fighting going on today, let’s not overlook the most important takeaway of all OOBTers… God alone fought for them + rescued them, AND more than 1,200 years after this Red Sea miracle, God fought again for His children… this time on a hill called Calvary. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made a way for each one of us to experience salvation.   Like the Israelites at the Red Sea crossing, we did absolutely nothing to help in the fight. Our salvation, just as the Israelites’, was and is a gift from God. End of story friends.   Oh, that we would choose to quiet our souls before our Father God and realize that He still fights for us, His children. We may not see it in the moment, but God can make a way… ”The LORD will fight for you, and you only have to be silent” (Exodus 14:14 ESV). Now that’s a GOOD FIGHT worth fighting, am I right?!   For the full episode show notes, please go to