Originally from Houston, Texas, Matt is the co-founder of the open-source blogging platform WordPress, the most popular publishing platform on the web, and the founder and CEO of Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce and Jetpack. As an advocate of distributed work, Matt set out to change the way folks work at Automattic. With more than 1,100 employees working from more than 62 countries, it is an entirely distributed company with no physical headquarters.

Matt is a long-time supporter of Creative Commons, and earlier this year, we announced that CC Search, the search engine we built for openly licensed content, had found a new home at WordPress.org.

Check out Matt’s blog: https://ma.tt/

Follow Matt on Twitter, Instagram & Tumblr @PhotoMatt

Creative Commons on Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativecommons

Donate to support the work of Creative Commons: https://www.classy.org/give/313412/#!/donation/checkout

Theme music: "Day Bird" by Broke for Free (brokeforfree.com). Available for use under the CC BY 3.0 license, at the Free Music Archive.

Open Minds … from Creative Commons is licensed to the public under CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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