THIS EPISODE Back after a completely inexcusable hiatus that consisted managing an upstart domestic cycling team to win the U.S. National Road Race Championship, the yellow jersey at the Tour of Utah, the white jersey at the Tour of Alberta, individual stages at multiple races, and the NRC Championship, Mike catches up again with old buddy Phil Gaimon.
This time around they talk about Ben King (no edits with this podcast because they only say nice things), Eric Marcotte’s kindness to animals and his superhuman strength, how Phil thinks that Creed is the best director sportif ever, and that they have yet to meet a mean Canadian.
They swap story after story over the course of an hour that goes by much too quickly, and you gain even more insight into why Phil is one of the most unique guys in the pro peloton today.
As always, Open Mic with Mike Creed is presented by The Colorado Cyclist, Mike’s very first professional cycling team in 1998. Thanks to everyone at Colorado Cyclist for their support of Mike over the years, and a big thank you to them for stepping up and sponsoring the podcast and offering $50 gift cards to our Twitter contest winners. Please visit their newly redesigned website at and give them a follow on Twitter at @Co_Cyclist to show your appreciation for everything they do for us.
We’re also grateful for the continuing partnership with Chris Smith and Lazer Helmets. Every podcast we’ll be giving away either a Lazer helmet or pair of Lazer sunglasses. All you need to do is mention @LazerHelmets or @Lazer_Vision on Twitter with a clever tweet that conforms to the week’s contest rules. If your tweet is chosen, you’ll win a Lazer item.

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